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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

imidazol n. imidazole, crystalline he...
imide n. imide, compound derived f...
imine n. imine, compound containin...
imitable adj. imitable
imitateur adj. mimic; impersonatorn. i...
imitatif adj. imitative, mimicking, c...
imitation n. imitation, impersonation,...
imitation marbre n. imitation marble
imiter v. imitate, mimic, fake, cop...
immanence n. immanency, quality of bei...
immanent adj. immanent, inherent, int...
immangeable adj. uneatable, inedible, un...
immanquable adj. impossible to miss
immariable adj. unmarriable
immatriculation n. registration, matriculati...
immatriculer v. register, record
immature adj. sour, unripe; immature,...
immaturement adv. immaturely, childishly
immense adj. immense, unbounded, vas...
immentionnable adj. unmentionable, somethin...
immerger v. submerge, immerse, souse
immersion n. submersion, immersion, di...
immesurable adj. unmeasurable, not able ...
immettable adj. unwearable, not capable...
immeuble adj. real, immovablen. block...
immigrant adj. immigrantn. immigrant, ...
immigration n. immigration, act of comin...
immigrer v. immigrate, come to a coun...
imminence n. imminence, something whic...
imminent adj. imminent, impending, pr...
immiscer v. interfere
immixtion n. interference
immobile adj. immobile, still, calm; ...
immobilier adj. immovable, fixed in pla...
immobilisation n. immobilization, conversio...
immobiliser v. immobilize, lock, convert...
immobilisme n. immobilism
immobiliste adj. conservative
immodeste adj. immodest, indecent, sha...
immodestement adv. immodestly, indecently,...
immodestie n. immodesty, indecency
immolation n. immolation, self-sacrific...
immoler v. immolate
immonde adj. sinful, unclean, unprop...
immondice n. dirt, refuse
immondices n. rubbish, trash, refuse
immoral adj. immoral, non-moral, une...
immoralement adv. immorally, unethically
immortalisation n. immortalization
immortaliser v. immortalize, grant eterna...
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