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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

iconographique adj. iconographical, of or p...
iconoscope n. iconoscope, early tube of...
ictus n. ictus, rhythmical or metr...
ida n. ida, female first name
idaho idaho, state in the northwes...
ide ide, integrated drive electr...
idei n. idei, family name
idem adv. idem, ditto
idempotent adj. idempotent, does not ch...
identifiable adj. identifiable, recogniza...
identifiant n. username, unique name by ...
identificateur n. identifier, one who ident...
identification n. identification, recogniti...
identifier v. identify, zero in
identique adj. identical, identic, uni...
identiquement adv. identically, in exactly...
ides n. ides, day which approxima...
idi amin dada n. idi amin dada (1928-2003)...
idioglossie n. idioglossia, form of lang...
idiomatique adj. idiomatic, of or pertai...
idiome n. idiom, expression whose m...
idiomorphe adj. idiomorphic, having a c...
idiopathie n. idiopathy, disease having...
idiopathique adj. idiopathic, having unkn...
idiopathiquement adv. idiopathically, (medici...
idioplasmatique adj. idioplasmatic, pertaini...
idioplasme n. idioplasm, part of the ce...
idiosyncrasie n. idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, ...
idiosyncratique adj. idiosyncratic, characte...
idiot adj. idiotic, stupid, imbeci...
idiote n. bird brained
idiotement adv. idiotically, stupidly
idiotie n. idiocy, stupidity
idiotisme n. idiom, expression whose m...
idocrase n. idocrase
idole n. idol, image which is wors...
idolisation n. idolization, act of worsh...
ids sdi, strategic defense initi...
idylle n. idyl, poem or prose compo...
idyllique adj. idyllic
idylliquement adv. idyllically, in a seren...
ieft ietf, internet engineering t...
ier ier, independent evaluation ...
if n. yew, evergreen tree with ...
ifatca ifatca, international federa...
ifop french market research insti...
igal n. igal, male first name; th...
igf wealth tax%igf (impôt sur l...
igh residential high-rise!igh (...
igloo n. igloo, eskimo house const...
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