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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

important sujet n. big deal
importateur n. importer, person or compa...
importation n. importation, import
importer v. import, introduce, matter
importun adj. importune, inadvisable,...
importunement adv. obtrusively, invasively
importuner v. importune, bother, distur...
imposable adj. taxable, assessable, ra...
imposant adj. imposing, impressive, a...
imposer v. set, impose; place, impel...
imposer son point de vue v. impose one's idea
imposer un ordre v. thrust
imposer une discipline trop stricte v. regiment
imposeur n. imposer, one who compels,...
imposition n. imposition, taxation, enf...
impossible adj. impossible, incredible,...
impossible de distinguer adj. indistinguishable
imposte n. fanlight, transom, spring...
imposteur n. impostor, fake, mounteban...
imposture n. imposture, fraud, fake
impotence n. impotence, infirmity
impotent adj. impotent, infirm, disab...
impraticable adj. impracticable, impassab...
impregnable adj. insusceptible, insensit...
imprenable adj. impregnable, unassailab...
imprescriptible adj. imprescriptible, cannot...
impression n. feeling, impression; effe...
impression en couleurs n. color prints, pictures ph...
impressionnable adj. impressionable, sensiti...
impressionnant adj. impressive; spectacular...
impressionner v. impress; overawe, preposs...
impressionnisme n. impressionism, artistic m...
impressionniste adj. impressionistic, of or ...
imprimable adj. printable, able to be p...
imprimante n. printer, computer periphe...
imprimatur n. imprimatur
imprimer v. imprint, impress, print; ...
imprimer en italique v. italicize
imprimer en offset v. offset
imprimer en surcharge v. overprint
imprimer mal v. misprint
imprimerie n. printing house, prinery
imprimeur n. printer, print worker
imprimeuse n. printer
improbable adj. improbable, unlikely
improbablement adv. improbably, in an unlik...
improductif adj. unproductive, barren
improductivement adv. unproductively, unfruit...
impromptu adj. impromptu; extemporaneo...
impropice adj. inauspicious, unfavorab...
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