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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

troupe de choc n. shock troops
troupeau n. flock, herd
troupeau en marche n. drove
troupes de garnison n. garrison troops
trousse n. kit, pencil case
trousse de maquillage n. make up bag
trousse de secours n. first aid kit
trousse de toilette n. dressing case, toiletry b...
trousseau n. trousseau, bride's articl...
trousser v. hitch up, truss
trouvaille n. find, something worthwhil...
trouver v. find, discover; get, hit;...
trouver de plaisir v. take pleasure in
trouver des excuses v. alibi, find a pretext
trouver des fonds v. finance, provide with fun...
trouver en fourrageant v. forage
trouver le courage v. pluck up courage
trouver le filon v. strike oil
trouver le moyen v. manage
trouver par hasard v. come across, stumble on, ...
trouver prise sur v. bite on
trouver rien v. fall between two stools
trouver son chemin v. see the light
trouver un abri v. niche
trouver un emploi v. place
trouver un moyen pour faire v. contrive
trouver une explication logique v. rationalize
trouver une solution v. find solution, solve
trouville n. trouville, city in france
troyen adj. trojan, of troy, courag...
troyes n. troyes, city in france
truand n. gangster, criminal, mobst...
truandage n. robbery, burglary, theft,...
truander v. cheat, swindle, defraud, ...
truble n. hoop net; shove net
truc n. trick, thing; thingy, obj...
truck n. truck
trucs n. junk, devices
truculent adj. racy, vigorous; colorfu...
trudeau n. trudeau, family name
truelle n. trowel, slice
truffaut n. truffaut, family name; fr...
truffe n. truffle, nose
truffer v. garnish with truffles
trufter v. tuft, form or attach tuft...
truie n. sow, adult female hog
truisme n. truism, obvious fact, sel...
truite n. trout, type of fish espec...
truite arc en ciel n. rainbow trout, freshwater...
trumeau n. pierglass
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