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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

tromblon n. blunderbuss, short musket...
trombone n. trombone, musical wind in...
tromboniste n. trombonist, one who plays...
trommel n. trommel
trompe n. proboscis, trunk, horn
trompe de chasse n. hunting horn
tromper v. deceive, cheat, fool; beg...
tromper dans ses espoirs v. disappoint
tromperie n. deception, deceit; tricke...
trompeter v. trumpet, blow a trumpet, ...
trompette n. trumpet, trumpeter
trompettiste n. trumpet player
trompeur adj. deceptive, deceitful, m...
tronc n. trunk, stem, stock
tronc des pauvres n. poorbox
troncature n. truncation, act of shorte...
tronche n. (slang) head, face, dial
tronquer v. truncate, curtail, shorte...
trop adv. too, overly, overmuch, ...
trop actif adj. overactive
trop affectueux adj. fawning
trop ample adj. baggy
trop boire v. overindulge
trop braquer v. oversteer
trop coquet adj. prim
trop critique adj. overcritical
trop cuire v. overdo
trop cuit adj. overdone
trop de adj. overmuch
trop entreprendre v. overreach
trop expansif adj. gushing
trop faire cuire v. overcook
trop fait adj. overripe
trop familier adj. overfamiliar
trop fertile adj. rank
trop fort adv. loudly
trop grand adj. oversize, oversized
trop grandir v. overgrow
trop gros adj. overweight
trop haut adv. sharp
trop inquiet adj. over anxiety
trop juste adj. skimp
trop liquide adj. sloppy
trop lourd du haut adj. top heavy
trop manger v. overeat, overindulge
trop moderne adj. new fangled
trop nombreux adj. oversize, oversized
trop ouvert adj. overblown
trop payer v. overpay
trop petit adj. undersized
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