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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

tribraque n. tribrach, a metrical foot...
tribu n. tribe, social group compr...
tribulation n. tribulation, trial, suffe...
tribun n. tribune, person who defen...
tribunal n. court, bench, tribunal, c...
tribunal consulaire n. commercial court, house o...
tribunal de grande instance n. high court
tribunal de police n. sheriff court
tribunal des successions n. probate court
tribunal militaire n. court martial, military c...
tribunal populaire n. kangaroo court
tribunal pour enfants n. juvenile court
tribune n. gallery, tribune, stand; ...
tribune de la presse n. press box
tribune libre n. opinion column
tribune pour les femmes n. women's gallery
tribut n. tribute, levy, tax
tributaire adj. tributaryn. tributary, ...
tricentenaire adj. tercentenary, three hun...
tricher v. cheat, swindle, deceive
tricher en battant les cartes v. stack the cards
tricherie n. cheating
tricheur n. cheater, cheat, swindler,...
trichine n. trichina, parasitic worm ...
trichinose n. trichinosis, (medicine) s...
trichite n. trichite
trichologie n. trichology, study of hair...
trichomonadale n. trichomonadal, related to...
trichomonase n. trichomonas, flagellate p...
trichromie n. trichotomy, division into...
tricolore adj. tricolor, three-colored...
tricot n. knitting; tricot, sweater
tricot de corps n. vest, singlet, undershirt
tricotage n. knitting
tricoter v. knit, weave by joining lo...
tricoteur n. knitter, knitting worker
tricoteuse n. knitting machine, machine...
trictrac n. backgammon, board game pl...
tricuspide adj. tricuspid, concerning t...
tricycle n. tricycle, three wheeled v...
tricyclique adj. tricyclic, having three...
tridactyle adj. tridactyle
trident n. trident, three pronged we...
tridentin adj. tridentine
tridimensionnel adj. three dimensional, havi...
triennal adj. three yearly, triennial...
trier v. sort, select, sift
trieste n. trieste, port city in nor...
trieur n. sorter, grader, grading m...
trieuse n. sorting machine
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