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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

hydroa n. hydroa, type of skin dise...
hydrocarbure adj. hydrocarbon, hydrocarbo...
hydrocortisone n. hydrocortisone, steroid h...
hydrocotyle n. hydrocotyle, genus of cre...
hydrocution n. immersion syncope
hydrodynamique adj. hydrodynamic, (physics)...
hydrofoil n. hydrofoil, structure atta...
hydrofugation n. waterproofing, act or ins...
hydrofuge adj. damp proof, water repel...
hydrogel n. hydrogel
hydroglisseur n. hydroplane, water plane
hydrogramme n. hydrogramme
hydrographe n. hydrographer, one who spe...
hydrographie n. hydrography, mapping of b...
hydrographique adj. hydrographic, pertainin...
hydrologie n. hydrology, study of the p...
hydrologique adj. hydrous, watery
hydrolyse n. hydrolysis, breaking down...
hydromel n. hydromel, mead, alcoholic...
hydromica n. hydromica, a variety of p...
hydropathie n. hydropath, hydropathy, tr...
hydrophile n. absorbent cotton, absorbe...
hydrophobe adj. water repellent, that a...
hydrophobie n. hydrophobia, abnormal fea...
hydrophore adj. hydrophore
hydrophyte n. hydrophyte
hydropique adj. dropsical, pertaining t...
hydropisie n. dropsy, abnormal collecti...
hydroponique n. hydroponics, process of g...
hydrostatique adj. hydrostatic, of or pert...
hydroxocobalamine n. hydroxocobalamine
hydroxybutyrique adj. hydroxybutyric
hydroxyde n. hydroxide, compound conta...
hydroxyle n. hydroxyl, type of radical...
hygroma n. bursitis, inflammation of...
hygroscopique adj. hygroscopic, absorbing ...
hyksos n. hyksos, semitic people th...
hymen n. hymen, maidenhead
hymne n. hymn, anthem, canticle, d...
hymne national n. national anthem
hymnodie n. hymnody, singing of hymns...
hymnologie n. hymnology
hyoscine n. hyoscine, alkaloid obtain...
hyper pref. hyper, over
hyperacanthose n. hyperacanthosis
hyperacousie n. hyperacousia
hyperbole n. hyperbole, exaggeration o...
hyperbolique adj. hyperbolic
hyperchlorurie n. hyperchloruria
hypercours n. hypercourse (computers)
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