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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

hors de terrain adv. out of bounds
hors de vue adv. out of sight of
hors des heures adj. extracurricular
hors du commun rare as hen's teeth (slang),...
hors du programme adj. extracurricular
hors du sujet adv. irrelevant, off the sub...
hors pair adj. peerless, having no equ...
hors saison adj. off-season
hors service n. down, not working, out-of...
hors-bord n. speedboat, powerboat
hors-concours n. ineligible to compete
hors-cote adv. off-board
hors-jeu n. offside
hors-la-loi n. outlaw, desperado
hors-service adj. out of order
hors-taxe adj. duty free
hors-texte n. plate
horst n. horst, male first name (g...
horst stromer n. horst stromer (born 1949)...
hortensia n. hydrangea, type of flower...
horticole adj. horticultural, of the s...
horticulture n. horticulture, science of ...
horticulturiste n. horticulturist, gardener,...
hospice n. hospice, old people home,...
hospitalier adj. hospital, hospitable; i...
hospitalisation n. hospitalization, placemen...
hospitaliser v. hospitalize, place in a h...
hostellerie n. hostelry, road house, inn
hostie n. host, consecrated bread u...
hostile adj. hostile, unfriendly, in...
hot adj. hot, very warm
hot-dog n. hot dog, red hot
hotbot n. hotbot, internet search e...
hotline n. hotline, telephone number...
hotmail n. hotmail, large internet s...
hotte n. basket, hod, type of cont...
hottentot n. hottentot, member of a so...
hou n. hou, family nameinterj. b...
hou hou interj. yoo hoo
houblon n. hop, small jump
houdini n. houdini, family name; har...
houe n. hoe, flat-bladed garden t...
houille n. coal
houiller adj. coaln. coal, fuel made ...
houle n. swell, heave, roll
houlette n. crook, trowel
houleuse adj. stormy, turbulent
houleux adj. stormy, boisterous, rol...
houmous n. houmous, hummus, popular ...
houppe n. powder puff, bunch, tuft,...
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