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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

hoqueter v. make a hiccoughing noise;...
hora n. hora, rumanian and israel...
horace n. horace (65-8 bc), roman p...
horacien adj. horatian, pertaining to...
horae n. horae, goddesses of the s...
horaire n. schedule, timesheet, time...
horaire du paiement n. schedule of payment
horatio n. horatio, male first name
horatio herbert kitchener n. horatio herbert kitchener...
horatio nelson n. admiral nelson (1758-1805...
horde n. horde
horizon n. horizon, outlook, vista
horizontal adj. horizontal
horizontale n. horizontal, something whi...
horizontalement adv. horizontally, in a hori...
horloge n. clock, timepiece
horloge de la mort n. death watch
horloge parlante n. speaking clock
horloger n. watchmaker, expert at mak...
horlogerie n. watchmaking
hormis prep. besides, except for
hormis que prep. apart from
hormonal adj. hormonal, pertaining to...
hormone n. hormone, any of a number ...
hormuz n. hormuz
horn n. horn, horn cape
hornblende n. hornblende, (geology) var...
horodateur n. ticket machine
horologie n. horology, science of meas...
horoscope n. horoscope, diagram of the...
horowitz n. horowitz, family name
horreur n. horror, frightfulness; sh...
horreurs n. horrors, atrocities, horr...
horrible adj. horrible, dreadful, fri...
horriblement adv. horribly, awfully, terr...
horrifiant adj. morbid, depressing, gru...
horrifier v. horrify, fill with horror...
horrifique adj. horrific, horrifying
horripilateur adj. exasperating
horripilation n. horripilation, goosebumps...
horripiler v. horripilate
hors prep. except, besides; out o...
hors de prep. out of
hors de combat adj. hors de combat, down an...
hors de commun adj. out of the ordinary, ou...
hors de croyance adv. beyond belief
hors de danger adj. safe
hors de doute adv. beyond doubt, past ques...
hors de question adj. out of the question
hors de temps adv. out of time
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