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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

黯然失色 be cast into the shade
黯然泪下 find oneself in the blues wi...
黯然神伤 feel dejected
黯然销魂 beside oneself
make dirty
an embroidery in square patt...
square patch on official cos...
黼黻文章 polished composition
a surname
黾初宫 Meng Chugong
黾勉 work hard
黾勉从事 labour hard
黾同 "渑"
soft-shelled turtle
鼋鱼 soft-shelled turtle
鼋鸣鳖应 The small turtle responds as...
an ancient cooking vessel wi...
鼎力 your kind effort
鼎力扶持 use one's great strength to ...
鼎力玉成 help accomplish this small t...
鼎新 innovate
鼎新革故 discard the old ways of life...
鼎沸 like a seething caldron -- n...
鼎澧 Ding Li
鼎盛 in a period of great prosper...
鼎盛时期 a period of great prosperity
鼎祚 destiny of a state pot
鼎立 stand like the three legs of...
鼎立而三 form a trilogy with the othe...
鼎耳 ears of a tripod
鼎言 weighty advice
鼎足 the three legs of a tripod
鼎足三分 division into three parts
鼎足之势 a situation dominated by thr...
鼎足而三 divided into three parts
鼎足而立 standing like a tripod -- a ...
鼎运昌盛 The destine of the state is ...
鼎革 change of a dynasty
鼎鼎大名 a great reputation
鼎鼐之器 the vessel of a sacrificial ...
a big tripod
a tripod tapering off toward...
鼓丘 drumlin
鼓乐 strains of music accompanied...
鼓乐喧天 a great din of drums and pip...
鼓乐大作 strike up the drums and trum...
鼓动 promote
鼓动群众 arouse the masses
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