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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

商业书信 business correspondence
商业事务所 business offices
商业代理 merchant agent
商业仲裁 commercial arbitration
商业价值 commercial value
商业仿真 business simulation
商业企业 merchandising enterprising
商业信件 business letter
商业信托公司 Mercantile Trust Co.
商业信用 commercial credit
商业信用保险 commercial credit insurance
商业信用证 commercial letter of credit
商业信贷 commercial credit
商业借贷 business loans
商业储运网 commercial storage-transport...
商业公会 commercial guild
商业公司 commercial corporation
商业冒险 venture
商业农场 commercial farm
商业加工 commercial processing
商业动机 business motive
商业包装 commercial packing
商业化 commercialize
商业区 commercial district
商业协作 commercial coordination
商业单位 business unit
商业危机 commercial crisis
商业发票 commercial invoice
商业合伙 commercial partnership
商业合伙人 business partner
商业合同 commercial contract
商业名称登记 registration of business nam...
商业呆滞 slack in business
商业周期 reference cycle
商业城市 commercial city
商业存款 business deposit
商业对策 business game
商业展览会 trade fair
商业已变得肃条 Commerce has stagnated.
商业平价 commercial par
商业年度 commercial year
商业广告 commercial advertisement
商业库存 commercial inventory
商业应用 business application
商业往来客户 trade creditors
商业往来帐户 commercial account
商业征信所 commercial credit bureau
商业性 commercial
商业性交通量 business volume
商业性林地 commercial forest land
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