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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

唯仁 Wei Ren
唯你是问 hold you solely responsible
唯利是图 seek nothing but profits
唯名论 nominalism
唯名论者 nominalist
唯命是从 do sb.'s bidding
唯命是听 Only the commands are to be ...
唯唯听命 murmur one's assent
唯唯诺诺 be a yes-man
唯唯连声 assent meekly
唯心 idealistic
唯心主义 idealism
唯心主义先验论 idealist apriorism
唯心主义者 idealist
唯心史观 idealist conception of histo...
唯心论 idealism
唯心论和唯物论是对立的 Idealism is opposite to mate...
唯恐不乱 be eager for the fray
唯恐天下不乱 anxious to see the world in ...
唯恐有失 fear that there may be some ...
唯意志论 theory that the will of men ...
唯成分论 the theory of the unique imp...
唯我主义 egotism
唯我独尊 stand upon one's pantofles
唯我论 solipsism
唯日孜孜 work hard day in and day out
唯权是夺 grab power at every opportun...
唯条件论 ""theory that conditions dec...
唯武器论 the theory that weapons alon...
唯物 materialistic
唯物主义 materialism
唯物主义教育思想 materialistic theory of educ...
唯物主义者 materialist
唯物史观 materialist conception of hi...
唯物论 materialism dissertation
唯物论的反映论 the materialist theory of re...
唯物辨证法 materialist dialectics
唯独 only
唯理论 rationalism
唯理论者 rationalist
唯生产力论 ""theory of the unique impor...
唯美主义 aestheticism
唯美主义者 aesthete
唯而不诺 answer readily but with no p...
唯能说 energetics
唱他几句京戏 sing a few lines of Beijing ...
唱做念打 singing,acting,recitation an...
唱功 art of singing
唱双簧 give a two-man comic show,wi...
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