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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

唱走了腔儿 sing out of tune
唱走板了 sing out of tune
唱针 style
唱针振动噪声 needle chatter
唱高调 use high-flown words
唷见 "喔唷"
唼喋 sound of the fish or aquatic...
唾余 word of little importance
唾弃 cast aside
唾弃如粪土 throw away like waste matter
唾弃虚名 be in contempt of and cast a...
唾手可得 get it with hands down -- wi...
唾沫 saliva
唾沫星子 sprays from coughs
唾沫纷飞 foam at the mouth
唾液 ptysma
唾液腺 salivary glands
唾面自干 be spat on the face and let ...
唾骂 spit on and curse
唿哨 whistle
啁哳 twitter
啁啾 twitter
啁啾声 chirp
啁啾雷达 chirp radar
啃书本 delve into books
啃牧 browsing
啃牧动物 browser
啃硬骨头 crack a hard nut
啃老玉米 nibble at an ear of corn
啃骨头 gnaw a bone
啄木鸟 woodpecker
啄木鸟在树上啄了一个洞 The woodpecker pecked a hole...
啄食 peck at food
商专 commercial college
商丘 a surname
商丘成 Shangqiu Cheng Shangqiu
商业 commerce
商业不景气 commercial depression
商业专员 commercial attache
商业中心 commercial centre
商业中止保险 business interruption insura...
商业习惯 commercial customs
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