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English translation for "恬然自若"

devil-may-care; calm and at ease; nonchalant and composed

Related Translations:
恬然:  [书面语] unperturbed; calm; nonchalant
恬然入梦:  to the dreamland
自若:  [书面语] self-possessed; composed; calm and at ease 短语和例子神态自若 appear calm and at ease; appear composed; 镇静自若 composed; remain calm; 临危不惧, 谈笑自若 talk and laugh imperturbably in face of danger
从容自若:  composed
神情自若:  with an easy grace
神色自若:  look unperturbed; be perfectly calm [cool] and collected; in an assured condition; show composure and presence of mind; with an easy, self-possessed mien 短语和例子他心里一惊, 但表面上却仍神色自若。 he was tak
镇静自若:  remain calm
形色自若:  one's countenance remains as before
神态自若:  take ... coolly; look perfectly calm; appear calm and composed at ease
言笑自若:  be completely at ease; go on talking and laughing as if nothing had happened; natural and calm; talk and laugh imperturbably; undisturbed
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