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English translation for "镇静自若"

remain calm

Related Translations:
神色自若化:  sanctification
镇静:  1.(情绪稳定或平静) calm; cool; composed; unruffled; tranquilizing (the mind); sedation; tranquilization 短语和例子保持镇静 remain calm; 镇静安神 tranquilizing and allaying excitement; 镇静解痉 tranquilizing to re
日间镇静:  daytime sedation
镇静时间:  haltezeit dwell time
镇静散:  calming draught
镇静室:  stilling chamber
镇静下来:  calm down
镇静酌:  sedation
镇静药丸:  nerve pills
镇静性:  the yin and yang property
Example Sentences:
1.Birdsong was unperturbed .
2.He could visualize her nowcomposed and competent .
3.Her pride was hurt, but her habitual control of manner helped her .
4. "we have but little occasion to be alarmed," continued the undisturbed cora .
5.Mr. justice yale had regained his composure and was speaking in measured tones .
6.He saw then that her hand was trembling and that her calm deliberation was all a frenzied pose .
7." oh , nothing at all , " he murmured quietly
“哦!没有什么。 ”他神态镇静自若,喃喃说道。
8." we have but little occasion to be alarmed , " continued the undisturbed cora
“我们用不着惊慌失措了, ”镇静自若的科拉接着说。
9.She tried to be calm and indifferent , but it was a palpable sham
10." how can you stay so cool , calm and collected after such a hot argument ?
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