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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

惩羹吹脍 Once burnt by hot soup,blow ...
tired out
惫倦 tired
惫倦不堪 unbearably fatigued
惫懒 tired and indolent
惫累 exhausted
be satisfied
惬当 appropriate
惬心 be satisfied
惬怀 be satisfied
惬意 be pleased
feel ashamed
惭怍 embarrassed and ashamed
惭愧 ashamed
惭愧不已 abash
be used to
惯例 convention
惯例法 code of practice
惯偷 confirmed thief
惯匪 professional brigand
惯常 usualness
惯常做法 practice
惯性 inertia
惯性中心 centre of inertia
惯性传感器 inertial sensor
惯性使汽车驶到了人行道上 Inertia carried the car to t...
惯性冲程 head reach
惯性制动 inertia braking
惯性制导 inertial guidance
惯性半径 radius of inertia
惯性压力 inertial pressure
惯性定位 inertial positioning
惯性定律 law of inertia
惯性导航 inertial navigation
惯性导航仪 inertial navigator
惯性导航系统 inertial navigation system
惯性平衡 inertia balance
惯性控制 inertial control
惯性撞击 inertial impaction
惯性效应 effect of inertia
惯性沉降 inertial settling
惯性测量 inertia measurement
惯性滑行 coast
惯性系数 inertia coefficent
惯性轮 flywheel
惯性轴 axes of inertia
惯性领航 inertial navigation
惯性飞行 coasting flight
惯性飞行导弹 coasting missile
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