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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

惑乱人心 mislead the masses
惑于美色 be taken by her bewitching f...
惑众 delude or confuse people
惑志 suspicion
惑术 deceitful trick
惓惓 sincere
惓惓于怀 constantly remembering at he...
惕励 be on guard
惕历 be on guard
feel frustrated
惘惘无主 irresolute without decision
惘然 frustrated
惘然若失 disconcertedly feel lost
惙掇 sad
惚见 "恍惚"
惜别 be reluctant to part
惜别之情 the feeling of reluctance to...
惜力 be sparing of one's energy
惜售 be reluctant to sell out
惜墨如金 regard one's ink as if it we...
惜寸阴 value every bit of time
惜指失掌 stint a finger only to lose ...
惜玉怜香 be tender toward pretty girl...
惜老怜贫 cherish the old and care for...
惜香怜玉见 "惜玉怜香".
惝怳 feeling lost confused
惝惝恍迷离 confused
惟一 only
惟一出路 the only way out
惟一可行的办法 the only feasible way
惟一合法的政府 the sole legitimate governme...
惟一的理由 the sole reason
惟二月既望 on the 16th of the second mo...
惟你是问 You'll be held personally re...
惟其 just because
惟利是图 be bent solely on profit
惟君是问 I hold you responsible for i...
惟命是从 always do as one is told
惟天可表 call heaven to witness that....
惟妙惟肖 so skillfully imitated as to...
惟恐 for fear that
惟恐天下不乱 desire to see the world plun...
惟愿 only wish
惟我独尊 overweening
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