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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

惨无人道 inhuman
惨无天日 too dark,or full of sufferin...
惨杀 kill by cruel or violent mea...
惨案 massacre murder case
惨死 die a tragic death
惨毒 brutal and vicious
惨淡 gloomy
惨淡无光 dark without light
惨淡的生活 forlorn life
惨淡的笑容 a wan smile
惨淡经营 keep going by painstaking ef...
惨然 saddened
惨状 miserable condition
惨痛 deeply grieved
惨痛的教训 a bitter lesson
惨白 dreadfully pale
惨祸 horrible disaster
惨笑 wan smile
惨绝人寰 tragic beyond compare in thi...
惨绿少年 a young man in dark-green --...
惨苦 miserable
惨败 crushing defeat
惨跌 collapse
惨遭不幸 die a tragic death
惨遭杀害 be cruelly killed
惨遭杀戮 be massacred in cold blood
惨遭横死 meet a violent death
惨遭横祸 meet with unexpected misfort...
惨遭毒手 be murdered in cold blood
惨重 heavy
惨重的失败 a disastrous defeat
惩一儆百 make an example of sb.
惩前毖后 take warning from the past i...
惩办 punish
惩办和宽大相结合 combine punishment with leni...
惩处 penalize
惩处罪犯 inflict a punishment on a cr...
惩忿窒欲 guard against losing one's t...
惩恶劝善 punish the wicked in order t...
惩戒 punish sb. to teach him a le...
惩治 punish
惩治腐败 fight against corruption
惩治贪污条例 Regulation for Suppression o...
惩罚 punish
惩罚性制裁 punitive sanction
惩罚性的损害赔偿费 punitive damages
惩罚措施 punitive measures
惩罚法 penalty method
惩罚税率 penalty rate
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