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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

惟有 only
惟独 only
惟茂 Wei Mao
惟虚心乃能进步 You can make progress only i...
惠临 your gracious presence
惠临增光 please honour me with your v...
惠书 your letter
惠叔 a surname
惠叔俭 Huishu Jian
惠墙 a surname
惠墙伊戾 Huiqiang Yili
惠声 reputation for kindness
惠存 please keep
惠山泥人 earthern figures of Huishan,...
惠恤耆老 be kind and sympathetic towa...
惠我良多 You have conferred very much...
惠政 benevolent rule or administr...
惠施 Hui Shi
惠氏螺纹 Whitworth thread
惠然肯来 be so kind as to come
惠而不费 give sb. a pleasure which wo...
惠训不倦 never tire of teaching
惠赐 be kind enough to give
惠赠 so kind as to give
惠鉴 be kind enough to read
惠音 your esteemed letter
惠顾 patronize
惠风 pretty breeze
惠风和畅 a gentle and pleasant breeze
remember with concern
惦念 keep thinking about
惦记 remember with concern
惦记同志们的安全 be concerned about the safet...
惧内 henpecked
惧怕 fear
惧色 a look of fear
惨不忍睹 too horrible to look at
惨不忍言 be too deplorable to describ...
惨不忍闻 too sad and shocking to the ...
惨剧 tragic event
惨剧的受害者 a victim of calamities
惨厉 miserable
惨变 tragic change
惨叫 screech
惨叫一声 utter a heartrending cry
惨境 miserable condition
惨惨 dull
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