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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

帝国主义国家 imperialist state
帝国主义奴役中国人民的时代已经一去不复返了 Gone forever are the days wh...
帝国主义的奴才 a lackey of imperialism
帝国主义的爪牙 a lackey of imperialism
帝国主义者 imperialist
帝国化学工业公司 Imperial Chemical Industries
帝国大厦 Empire State Building
帝国棉 empire
帝国特惠关税 Imperial Preferential Tariff
帝国特惠制 imperial preference
帝国裁 imperial
帝王 emperor
帝王将相 emperors,kings,generals and ...
帝王裁 emperor
帡幪 shelter
a piece of shabby cloth
带上一套替换的衣服 Take a change of clothes wit...
带上手铐 be handcuffed
带佗 Dai Tuo
带信人 bearer
带信儿 bring a message
带债务人 joint debtor
带分数 mixed number
带到 bring
带动 drive
带劲 energetic
带发修行 submit to Buddhist disciplin...
带变速装置的自行车 derailleur
带口信 bear a message
带叶的苹果 apples with their leaves on
带回去 take back
带坏 lead astray
带头 take the lead
带头人 foregoer
带头冲锋 lead the charge
带头发言 be the first to speak
带头羊 bellwether
带子 tie
带孝 wear mourning for a parent,r...
带孩子 look after children
带宽 tape width
带座圈冲水便桶 toilet
带座轴承 rolling bearing units
带徒弟 train an apprentice
带有 take
带有偏见的报导 slanted reports
带有文学意味的信件 letters with a literary flav...
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