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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

帆背布 back cloth
帆船 sailing boat
帆船俱乐部 yacht club
帆船运动 yachting
帆船运动员 yachtsman
师专 normal training college
师严道尊 A master must be stern in or...
师事 acknowledge sb. as one's mas...
师伯浑 Shi Bohun
师傅 master
师兄 senior fellow apprentice the...
师兄弟 fellow apprentices of one an...
师公 master's master
师其所长 learn from his good points
师出无名 send the army out without a ...
师出有名 make trouble under a certain...
师友 a person one can resort to f...
师古 imitate the ancients
师团 division
师娘 the wife of one's teacher or...
师宜 a surname
师宜官 Shiyi Guan
师延 a surname
师延庆 Shiyan Qing
师弟 junior fellow apprentice the...
师徒 master and apprentice
师徒关系 master-apprentice relation
师徒合同 indentures
师心自用 not willing to listen to adv...
师承 the succession of teachings ...
师母 the wife of one's teacher or...
师法 model oneself after
师法古人 imitate the ancients
师父 master
师爷 a private assistant attendin...
师生 teachers and students
师生关系 teacher-student relations sc...
师生员工 the teachers,students,staff ...
师生比例 faculty-student ratio
师直为壮 An army fighting for a just ...
师祁 a surname
师祁黎 Shiqi Li
师老兵疲 The troops have been in oper...
师老无功 troops fighting for a long t...
师范 teacher-training
师范大学 normal university
师范学校 teachers' school
师范学院 teachers college
师范教育 initial teacher training
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