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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

席卷全球 have swept the globe
席卷天下 carry the world before one
席卷而去 make a clean sweep and go of...
席卷而逃 make off with everything tha...
席地 on the ground
席地而坐 sit on the ground
席子 matting
席广 Xi Guang
席棚 mat shed
席次 seating arrangement
席珍待聘 harbour talent to await empl...
席箔 reed screen frame for silkwo...
席篾 thin bamboo strips for mats
席间宾主频频举杯 Host and guests frequently r...
席面 banquet
席面很大 a grand banquet
帮他一把 give him a hand
帮会 secret society
帮倒忙 be more of a hindrance than ...
帮凶 be an accomplice
帮办 assist in managing
帮办军务 assist in handling military ...
帮助 help
帮助残疾人是我们义不容辞的责任 It is our bounden duty to he...
帮助消化 help digestion
帮助群众是干部应分的事 It's part of the duty as cad...
帮助自己的同志对她来说是理所当然的 It comes natural to her to h...
帮助记忆 memonic
帮助遭受苦难的人们 help people in affliction
帮厨 help in the mess kitchen
帮口 clans
帮同 help
帮嘴 speak in support of sb.
帮大忙 render enormous help
帮子 outer leaf
帮工 help with farm work helper
帮忙 help
帮我把这个箱子搭到桌子上 Help me lift the chest up on...
帮手 helper
帮拳 help one of fighters
帮教 help and educate
帮派 faction
帮派体系 factionalist setup
帮派思想 factionalist ideas
帮派活动 factionalism
帮狗吃食 help bad people to do evil t...
帮短工 work as a casual labourer
帮腔 vocal accompaniment in some ...
帮补 help out with money
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