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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

embrouiller v. tangle; muddle up, confus...
embrun n. surf, sea spray, foam for...
embruns n. spray, liquid which falls...
embryocardie n. embryocardia
embryologie n. embryology, branch of bio...
embryologique adj. embryonic, undeveloped
embryon n. embryo, fetus, young of a...
embryonnaire adj. embryonic, germinal
embuer v. mist, blur
embuscade n. ambush, ambuscade, fall
embusquer v. ambush, hide in order to ...
emeline n. emeline, female first nam...
emerson n. emerson, family name; ral...
emil n. emil, male first name; em...
emil zatopek n. emil zatopek (born 1922),...
emile n. emile, male first name; e...
emile bernard n. emile bernard, (1868-1941...
emile lahoud n. emile lahoud (born 1936),...
emile zola n. emile zola (1840-1902), f...
emilia n. emilia, female first name...
emilie n. emily, female first name;...
emilie-romagne n. emilia-romagna, region in...
emilio n. emilio, male first name
emilio aguinaldo n. emilio aguinaldo (1869-19...
emilio estevez n. emilio estevez (born 1962...
emily bronte n. emily bronte (1818-1848),...
emily dickinson n. emily dickinson (1830-86)...
eminence n. eminency, title of a roma...
emma hart willard n. emma hart willard (1787-1...
emmagasinage n. storage
emmagasinement n. storage, act of storing, ...
emmagasiner v. stock, store, lay in
emmailloter v. swaddle, swathe
emmancher v. fit; joint; haft, put a h...
emmanchure n. armhole, opening in a gar...
emmanuel n. emmanuel, male first name...
emmanuel kant n. immanuel kant, (1724-1804...
emmanuel ungaro n. ungaro emmanuel, french f...
emmener v. take, take away, lead awa...
emmener en voiture v. take along
emmener qqn en promenade v. take for a ride
emmener une femme dans v. take in a lady
emmenthal n. emmental, emmenthaler, ty...
emmerdant adj. (slang) boring, damn aw...
emmerde n. (vulgar slang) hassle, tr...
emmerdement n. (vulgar) pain in the ass ...
emmerder v. annoy, bother
emmerdeur n. (vulgar slang) pain in th...
emmett n. emmett, male first name; ...
emmie n. emmie, female first name
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