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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

effectif adj. effective, positive, re...
effectivement adv. effectively, indeed, ve...
effectuer v. effectuate, execute; do, ...
effectuer des contacts avec v. make contact with
effectuer des entretiens v. parley
effectuer des entretiens secrets v. confer privately
effectuer des forages v. drill
effectuer des tests v. test
effectuer une reconnaissance v. reconnoitre, reconnoiter
effectuer une visite v. pay a visit
effendi n. effendi, former turkish t...
effervescence n. effervescence; seethe, sp...
effervescent adj. effervescent, bubbly
effet n. effect, impression; impac...
effet de change n. bill of exchange
effet de la surprise n. surprise
effet de lune n. moonlight effect
effet de nuit n. night effect, phenomenon ...
effet de premier ordre n. prime bill
effet de serre n. greenhouse
effet de surbrillance n. spot light effect (comput...
effet larsen n. feedback
effet secondaire n. side effect
effets mobiliers n. moveable
effets personnels n. personal effects
effets sonores n. sound effects, artificial...
effeuiller v. foliate, produce leaves
effeuilleuse n. stripper, one who perform...
effi n. effi (hebrew), nickname f...
efficace adj. effective, efficient; p...
efficacement adv. effectively, strongly
efficience n. optimization, efficiency
efficient adj. operative, in working o...
effigie n. effigy, representation of...
effiler v. thin out
effilochage n. fraying, ravel
effilocher v. fray, wear out
effleurement n. caress, light touch, brus...
effleurer v. touch, tip, brush, efflor...
effleurer un sujet v. touch
efflorescence n. efflorescence, flowering,...
effluence n. effluence, discharge
effluent adj. effluent, flowing outn....
effluve n. effluvium, outflow; exhal...
effondrement n. collapse, falling in; slu...
effondrer v. collapse, fall, slump
efforcer v. force oneself
effort n. effort, attempt; stress, ...
effort de rupture n. breaking strain
effort de tension n. pull, act of grabbing and...
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