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English translation for "远洋捕鱼"

long range fishing

Related Translations:
远洋贸易公司:  far ocean trading co
远洋货物:  ocean-going goods
远洋海军:  ocean-going naval force
远洋贸易远洋运输:  deep-sea tradedesea trade
宁波远洋:  nosco
远洋生物:  marine pelagic organismpelagic organisms
远洋鱼:  pelagic fish
远洋传递:  oversea transmission
远洋运输业:  oversea shi ing tradeoversea shipping tradeoverseashi ing tradeoverseashipping trade
远洋舰艇:  sea-going ships
Example Sentences:
1.The study suggested hong kong fishermen to acquire the necessary vessels for offshore fishing through modification of existing fishing vessels , purchasing second - hand or construction of new vessels
2.Development options recommended by the consultant for immediate implementation by hong kong fishermen were those the target resources of which were abundant , sustainable and accessible right away
3.Today , cheung chau is a prosperous community with a thriving economy . apart from its large fleet of offshore fishing vessels , there are a significant number of restaurants and holiday houses , some of which offer splendid sea views
4.In view of declining fisheries resources in the traditional fishing grounds of hong kong fishermen and to assist fishermen in venturing further afield , afcd completed a consultancy study to look into the feasibility of developing an offshore fishing industry
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