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English translation for "远洋船"

ocean carrier
ocean goer
ocean going ship
ocean going vessel
ocean goingship
ocean-going craft
oceangoing vessel
oceanic vessel
oversea ve el
oversea vessel
overseas ship
overseave el
sea boat
sea going vessel
seagoing ship
seagoing vessel

Related Translations:
远洋贸易公司:  far ocean trading co
远洋货物:  ocean-going goods
远洋海军:  ocean-going naval force
远洋贸易远洋运输:  deep-sea tradedesea trade
宁波远洋:  nosco
远洋生物:  marine pelagic organismpelagic organisms
远洋鱼:  pelagic fish
远洋传递:  oversea transmission
远洋运输业:  oversea shi ing tradeoversea shipping tradeoverseashi ing tradeoverseashipping trade
远洋舰艇:  sea-going ships
Example Sentences:
1.I didn ' t notice them and neither did most other new yorkers
2.Towing winches for deep sea use
3.Ocean - going ships , equipped with the radar , are safe from collision with other ships
4.Chinese seaman had axial rudders and other technological features not adopted by the sea going european ships until the middle of the 15th century
5.On an average day there are around 100 ocean - going ships working in the port ; some 600 river trade craft entering or leaving the port ; and many river ferries and local craft working in or passing through the harbour
6.Most of these passengers commuted on the world s largest fleet of high - speed ferries , including jetfoils and jet catamarans , to and from macau and other ports in southern china . being the junction of two different forms of maritime transport
7.The system checking the computers online of ship station is a software developed according to the character of telecontrol and the circumstance of network layout , it can check the computers be online or not . it is an assistant tool for the network checking , can provide analysis basis quickly and safely
Similar Words:
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