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English translation for "远洋捕捞"

long range fishinghigh sea fishing

Related Translations:
适度捕捞:  moderate degree fishing
远洋贸易公司:  far ocean trading co
远洋货物:  ocean-going goods
远洋海军:  ocean-going naval force
远洋贸易远洋运输:  deep-sea tradedesea trade
宁波远洋:  nosco
远洋生物:  marine pelagic organismpelagic organisms
远洋鱼:  pelagic fish
远洋传递:  oversea transmission
远洋运输业:  oversea shi ing tradeoversea shipping tradeoverseashi ing tradeoverseashipping trade
Example Sentences:
1.9 million yuan in fixed assets . is a professional engaged in the production of fishmeal , maize and beans deep processing - based joint - stock enterprises
2.Article 14 . the state shall encourage and support the development of offshore and deep sea fisheries and make rational arrangement of fishing capacity for inland and inshore fisheries
3.Actively promoting the development of off - shore capture fishery through financial and policy support , conserving in - shore ecological resources , and assisting in - shore fishermen in transforming their operations , so as to improve their livelihood
4.In this item , it is very important for studying thu torsional vibrat ion of the shafting of main propulsion system , because i t directly relate to the safety , reliability and life of shafting of ocean - going catcher ship
5.Article 38 . for the purposes of the second paragraph of article 9 of the tax law , the term " specified industries " shall mean the excavation industry , ocean - shipping industry , deep - sea fishing industry and other industries as determined by the ministry of finance
6.The company owns more than 20 production items including deep - sea fishing fleet , international fishery fresh - marketing fleet , inshore fishing fleet , and keip , seaweed , shellfish , prawn , abalone and fish breeding farms , aquatic products processing factory , 10 cold storage plants , 2 ice - making factories , plastic rope and net factory , construction company , and mink farm etc
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