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English translation for "的款"

[ díkuǎn ] 
reliable funds

Related Translations:
解款:  pay in; pay into; transfer of fund◇解款单 cash remittance note
周末款:  fiat palio weekend
贡款:  pay a tribute to
积存款:  deposit
追回款:  recoveries
付现款:  cash discountcash paymentdown paymentencashmentpay money downpayment in cashprompt cashready paymentto pay cash
寄款人:  a remitterto send a cheque for payment
界定供款:  defi ned contribution
回款日:  due date
拨款补款:  reimbursement of appropriations
Example Sentences:
1.This made author entry compulsory .
2.Installments are payable on the last day of the month .
3.Paying for that new carpet has eaten into my savings .
4.We require a full refund for all the equipment on the grounds that your company has misrepresented its performance capabilities .
5.Instalments are payable on the last day of the month
6.Money earning good interest will double itself in time
7.Draw out every cent , of course
当然是每天把所有的款都提光! )
8.3 . 5 million ? how come ? i ' ve settled it at 2 . 5 with the bank
9.You ' ve got a good eye , sir ! - that ' s not a ' 36
先生,你眼光不错啊! -不过那好像还不是36年的款. .
10.- you ' ve got a good eye , sir ! - that ' s not a ' 36
-先生,你眼光不错啊! -不过那好像还不是36年的款. .
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