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English translation for "恶言毒语"

malicious remarks

Related Translations:
恶言:  abusive words; vicious remarks
恶言相向:  fling out hard words; hurl insults at sb.; insults were hurled back and forth
恶言漫骂:  invective
恶言伤害:  speak daggers to sb
恶言中伤:  slanderella
恶言泼语:  malicious remarks (language)
恶言伤人:  use bad language to insult people; make disparaging remarks about others
以恶言加于人语:  four-letter words
他的恶言引发了这场争吵:  his angry words engendered the quarrel
Example Sentences:
1.Too often she betrayed this , by the undue vent she gave to a spiteful antipathy she had conceived against little adele : pushing her away with some contumelious epithet if she happened to approach her ; sometimes ordering her from the room , and always treating her with coldness and acrimony
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