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English translation for "恶言中伤"


Related Translations:
恶言:  abusive words; vicious remarks
恶言相向:  fling out hard words; hurl insults at sb.; insults were hurled back and forth
恶言漫骂:  invective
恶言伤害:  speak daggers to sb
恶言毒语:  malicious remarks
恶言泼语:  malicious remarks (language)
恶言伤人:  use bad language to insult people; make disparaging remarks about others
以恶言加于人语:  four-letter words
他的恶言引发了这场争吵:  his angry words engendered the quarrel
中伤:  slander; malign; vilify; hurt sb. insidiously; say damaging things about others before a third party 短语和例子恶语中伤 malign sb. viciously; 造谣中伤 spread slanderous rumours; 百般中伤 hurl all kinds of
Example Sentences:
1.There is no more cowardly, dastardly slander than is contained in the assertion that the majority or any considerable proportion of working, men neglect their families through drink .
Similar Words:
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