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English translation for "恶言相向"

fling out hard words; hurl insults at sb.; insults were hurled back and forth

Related Translations:
恶言:  abusive words; vicious remarks
恶言漫骂:  invective
恶言伤害:  speak daggers to sb
恶言中伤:  slanderella
相向:  opposite direction
恶言毒语:  malicious remarks
恶言泼语:  malicious remarks (language)
恶言伤人:  use bad language to insult people; make disparaging remarks about others
相向量:  phase vector
倒戈相向:  revolt against constituted authority; attack one's own men; become a turncoat; turn one's force against one's master; turn the spear to; turn one's coat
Example Sentences:
1.Why do you always bite my head off
2.They talked not only without acrimony , but even with friendliness
3.The couple swore at each other as they signed the divorce agreement
(那对夫妇在签离婚协议书时彼此恶言相向。 )
4.The ex - girl of her boyfriend encountered her online and treated her with verbal abuses
5.Police told the bbc the man became abusive when a manager at the giant eagle store confiscated the fake note
警方告诉bbc ,当巨鹰商店没收这张伪钞时,这名男子马上恶言相向
6.Once you clearly understand this , you will be less likely to feel affronted by others , even if they revile you
Similar Words:
"恶言漫骂" English translation, "恶言谩骂的, 被滥用的, 腐败的, 虐待的" English translation, "恶言泼语" English translation, "恶言伤害" English translation, "恶言伤人" English translation, "恶言中伤" English translation, "恶眼相向" English translation, "恶爷" English translation, "恶业" English translation, "恶夜30" English translation