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English translation for "到处流浪"

wander here and there

Related Translations:
到处寻找:  look round forquestshoppingsmell about
到处闲逛:  tinker
到处觅食:  prowlscavenge
到处游荡:  bat aroundslither
到处走动:  get aroundgot aroundsashay
到处奔忙:  on the hop
到处招摇撞骗:  go everywhere to swindle and bluff
到处宣传:  retail
到处碰壁:  run into snags everywhere
到处钻营:  poke one's nose into every corner; worm one's way to every turn
Example Sentences:
1.I have a very wandering spirit .
2.We are poor people, ma'am, and are only wandering about .
3.His few material possessions make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease .
4.His few material possessions make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease .
5.They go rambling over the world as if pursued by some mysterious fate they cannot possibly elude' .
6.After this, she had led a wandering life both in england and scotland, sometimes under color of telling fortunes .
7.And soon we ' ll be right back where we were , on the bum again
8." i am a stranger , and have been a wanderer , sorely against my will
9.No more wandering about
10.And ended up nowhere
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