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English translation for "到处碰壁"

run into snags everywhere

Related Translations:
四处碰壁:  get into trouble on all sides; be driven from pillar to post; be snubbed at all places; run into snags at every turn; run one's head into stone walls everywhere
到处寻找:  look round forquestshoppingsmell about
到处闲逛:  tinker
到处流浪:  wander here and there
到处觅食:  prowlscavenge
到处游荡:  bat aroundslither
到处走动:  get aroundgot aroundsashay
到处奔忙:  on the hop
到处招摇撞骗:  go everywhere to swindle and bluff
到处宣传:  retail
Example Sentences:
1.She found her plans frustrated at every turn .
2.During the war , china fought as canada s ally , and the war taught a powerful lesson about the folly of racism
3.Without integrated and accurate information about underground pipeline , one will be like a “ the blind person hardly to lift each foot ” or even cause great losses in urban planning , designing , constructing and management
在进行城市规划、设计、施工和管理工作中,如果没有完整准确的地下管线信息,就会变成“瞎子” ,到处碰壁,举步维艰,甚至造成重大损失。
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