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English translation for "举行竞赛"

hold a competition

Related Translations:
举行:  hold; stage 短语和例子按期举行 be held [take place] as scheduled; 举行罢工 stage a strike; 举行会谈 hold talks; 举行会议 hold a meeting [a debate; talks]; 举行起义 stage an uprising; 举行典礼 hold a ceremony; 举行宴会 giv
举行会:  hold a meeting
举行典礼:  hold a ceremony
举行烧烤:  have a barbecue
举行起义:  stage an uprising
举行示威:  hold a demonstration
举行音乐会:  give a concert
举行测验:  give a test
举行仪式:  have servicesperform a ceremonyperformaceremonypowwowsolemnization
举行会议:  hold a meetinghold a metingto hold a conference
Example Sentences:
1.But as usual , with god s blessings , the weather " miraculously " cleared up , and in fact remained perfect during the dragon boat race , and then heavy rains occurred after the race concluded
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