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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

贩山货 buy and resell mountain prod...
贩毒 traffic in narcoties
贩毒者 drug trafficker
贩牲口 buy and sell draught animals
贩私 traffic in smuggle goods
贩运 transport goods for sale
贩运私货 smuggle
have an insatiable desire fo...
贪便宜 keen on gaining petty gains
贪吃懒做 be greedy of eating and lazy...
贪嘴 gluttonous
贪嘴丧生 gluttonous at the expense of...
贪图 seek
贪图享乐 love of pleasure
贪图享受 seek ease and comfort
贪图便利 choose the easy way
贪图口腹 pamper one's appetite
贪图名利 hanker after fame and gains
贪图安乐 seek ease and comfort
贪图安逸 hanker after an easy and com...
贪图富贵 desire wealth and honour gre...
贪图小利 be greedy for small gains
贪图金钱的人 a man greedy for money
贪墨 graft
贪多务得 be greedy of much and determ...
贪多反失 Grasp all,lose all.
贪多嚼不烂 You bit off so big a mouthfu...
贪多坏事 has grasped too much and rui...
贪多必失 Grasp all,lose all.
贪多求快 place undue emphasis on quan...
贪大求全 go in for grandiose projects
贪大求洋 crave for things big and for...
贪天之功 lay claim to what one has do...
贪天之功据为己有 appropriate to oneself the m...
贪夫殉财 die of an inordinate desire ...
贪婪 avaricious
贪婪丧生 fall a victim to one's own a...
贪婪如狼 greedy as a pig
贪婪成性 Avarice becomes a second nat...
贪婪无厌 insatiably covetous and glut...
贪婪是损毁幸福的祸根 Avarice is a bane to happine...
贪婪狂 pleionexia
贪婪癖 avidity
贪婪的目光 greedy eyes
贪官污吏 corrupt officials
贪小 greedy for small gains or pr...
贪小便宜 out for small advantages
贪小便宜的假爱情 cupboard love let sb. off li...
贪小失大 go for the small things and ...
贪得无厌 be insatiably avaricious
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