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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

货币信用 confidence in the currency
货币共同浮动 a joint currency float
货币升值 revaluation
货币单位 monetary unit
货币发行 monetary issue
货币和银行经济学 economic of money and bankin...
货币商品 money commodity
货币回笼 withdrawal of currency
货币地租 money rent
货币增值 revaluation
货币工资 money wages
货币市场 money market
货币流通 currency circulation
货币流通规律 law of the currency of money
货币流通速度 velocity of money-currency
货币流通量 currency in circulation
货币的价值形式 money form of value
货币的职能 the functions of money
货币贬值 devaluation
货币购买力 purchasing power of money
货币资本 money-capital
货币资本家 money capitalist
货币限额 currency restrictions
货底子 remnants of stock setting
货损 damage of cargo
货摊 shopboard
货摊儿 booth
货机 air freighter
货板 pallet
货板船 pallet ship
货板运输 palletized traffic
货架子 goods shelves
货柜 counter container
货柜车 container freight liner
货栈 warehouse
货样 sample goods
货款 money for buying or selling ...
货殖 engage in trade
货源 source of goods
货源充足 an ample supply of goods
货源组织 organization of commodity su...
货物 goods
货物于市 sell things at the market
货物交接清单 handing-over list
货物保险 cargo insurance
货物列车 rattler
货物包装标记 marks
货物号码清单 numerical list of commoditie...
货物名称 description of goods
货物吞吐量 port's volume of freight tra...
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