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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

腽肭脐 the penis and testes of an u...
腾个地方放行李 make room for luggage excite
腾云驾雾 mount the clouds and ride th...
腾他腾地一声跳到台上 He leaped on to the platform...
腾出 clear
腾出房间 vacate a room
腾出时间看书 spare time for reading
腾出资金 save and divert funds to
腾挪 transfer to other use move s...
腾空 soar
腾空动作 flight part
腾空房屋 vacate a house
腾空翻 dive
腾空而起 commence business,now develo...
腾空而过 swing through the air
腾笑 arouse laughter
腾笑万方 cause a laughter everywhere
腾笑海内 be laughed at in the whole c...
腾腾 steaming
腾蛟起凤 like the soaring phoenix and...
腾贵 shoot up
腾越 jump over
腾越动作 vault part
腾越障碍 jump over obstacles
腾身跃过标杆 jump over the pole
腾达 Teng Da
腾飞 rise rapidly
腾骧 forge ahead
腿上吃了一枪 get shot in the leg
腿上被蜇了一下 be bitten in one's leg
腿上起了个疙瘩 have a swelling on one's leg...
腿压麻了 Something has been pressing ...
腿号 leg band
腿子 hired thug
腿带 bottom bands of trouser legs
腿抽筋儿 have a cramp in the leg
腿淌血了 Blood trickled down one's le...
腿痛 skelalgia
腿肚子 calf
腿脚 legs and feet
腿脚不灵便 walking with difficulty
腿脚利落 walking briskly
腿被桌子撞得生疼 I bumped against a desk and ...
腿酸脚软 One's legs were tired from w...
膀子 upper arm
膀肿 swollen
膀胱 bladder
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