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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

膳食标准 dietary standard
膳食结构 diet structure
膵脏 pancreas
膺惩 send armed forces to suppres...
膺此重任 hold a post of great respons...
膺选 be elected
膻中 Danzhong
膻中疽 shanzhong carbuncle
臀围 hip
臀围线 hipline
臀大肌 gluteus maximus
臀尖 rump
臀疣 monkey's ischial callosities
臀痈 pyogenic infection of buttoc...
臀部 buttocks
臀部肌 gluteus
臀锥 anal cone
臀鳍 anal fin
臁疮 ulcer on the shank
臂上的伤已经封口了 The arm wound has healed. sa...
臂中 Bizhong
臂之使指 as easy as the arm using the...
臂关节 shoulder joint
臂助 help
臂吊带 mitella
臂孺 Binao
臂式升降机 arm elevator
臂式吊车 boom hoist
臂板信号 semaphore
臂痈 pyogenic infection of the ar...
臂痛 brachialgia
臂章 armlet
臂纱 armband
臂肘 elbow
臂腕 arm
臂膀 the upper arm wing shoulder
臂膊 upper arm
臂见 "胳臂"
臂距 span
臂长 brachium
臃肿 too fat to move
臃肿的机构 overstaffed organization
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