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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

离子质谱仪 ion mass-spectrometer
离子轰击 ion bombardment
离子载体 ionophore
离子辐射 ion irradiation
离子透射法 ion transmission technique
离子速度 ion velocity
离子键 electrovalent bond
离子键树脂 ionomer resin
离子键聚合物 iolon
离子间吸力 interionic attraction
离子间距 interionic distance
离子阱 ion trap
离子阱电子枪 ion-trap gun
离子阱磁铁 ion-trap magnet
离子雾 ion-atmosphere
离子鞘 ion sheath
离家出走 run away from home
离家十八年矣 It is already eighteen years...
离岸 offshore
离岸价格 free on board
离岸净空 bank clearance
离岸坝 offshore bar
离岸建筑物 offshore structure
离岸流 offshore current
离岸流水道 rip channel
离岸重量 shipping weight
离岸重量为准 shipping weight final
离岸风 offshore wind
离席 leave the table or a meeting
离开 leave
离开屏幕 frame out
离开岗位 leave one's post
离开旅馆 check out
离开本题 stray from the subject
离开机构 decorporation
离开正题 wander from the subject
离开海岸 inland
离开轨道 disorbit
离开边境 inland
离异 dissociation
离异无子女 divorced without child
离弃 abandon
离弦走板 deviate from the accepted no...
离心 be at odds with the communit...
离心作用 centrifugal action
离心保险销 Semple plunger
离心倾向 tendency to drift away
离心分离 centrifugation
离心分离作用 centrifugation
离心分离器 whizzer
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