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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

离北京约五十公里 be about 50 kilometres away ...
离去 offwards
离合器 clutch
离合器传动片 clutch driving strap
离合器操纵杆 clutch operating lever
离合器齿轮 clutch gear
离合悲欢 Life is intermingled with jo...
离国庆节很近了 National Day is drawing near...
离城五公里开外 over five kilometers from th...
离境 leave a country or place
离境签证 exit visa
离境许可证 exit permit
离奇 odd
离奇怪诞 eccentric and wild
离奇的案件 odd case
离奇的谎言 a fantastic lie
离婚 break a marriage
离婚判决 divorce decree
离婚拆散了许多家庭 Divorce breaks up a lot of f...
离婚率 divorce rate
离婚理由 grounds for divorce
离婚申请书 divorce petition
离婚诉讼 divorce proceedings
离子 ion
离子三聚体 ion triplet
离子云 ion cloud
离子交换 ion exchange
离子交换剂 ion exchanger
离子交换反应 ion exchange reaction
离子交换吸附 ion exchange adsorption
离子交换器 ion-exchanger
离子交换容量 ion exchange capacity
离子交换层 ion exchange layer
离子交换平衡 ion-exchange equilibrium
离子交换当量 ion-exchange equivalent
离子交换技术 ion exchange technique
离子交换材料 ion exchange material
离子交换柱 ion exchange column
离子交换柱反流 backwash
离子交换树脂 ion-exchange resin
离子交换树脂层 resinbed
离子交换法 ion exchange method
离子交换法淡化 desalination by ion exchange
离子交换液体 ion-exchange liquids
离子交换玻璃 chemcor glass
离子交换电极 ion exchange electrode
离子交换电解电池 ion-exchange electrolyte cel...
离子交换系统 ion exchange system
离子交换纤维 ion-exchange fibre
离子交换纤维素 ion exchange cellulose
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