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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

离子交换能力 ion-exchange capacity
离子交换膜 amberplex
离子交换膜燃料电池 ion-exchange membrane fuel c...
离子交换色层法 ion exchange chromatography
离子交换色谱 ion-exchange chromatography
离子交换表面 ion-exchange surface
离子交换设备 ion-exchange unit
离子传导 ionic conduction
离子催化剂 ionic catalyst
离子光学 ion optics
离子光电管 gas-filled phototube
离子共振 ion resonance
离子共振现象 synionism
离子再生塔 ion regenerator
离子加热 ionic heating
离子加速器 ion accelerator
离子势垒 ion barrier
离子化 ionization
离子化合物 ionic compound
离子压力计 ion gage
离子反射器 ion repeller
离子反射板 repeller
离子反应 ionic reaction
离子发动机 ion engine
离子发射 ion emission
离子吸泵 ion-sorption pump
离子回旋共振加热 ion cyclotron resonance heat...
离子回旋加速器 ion cyclotron
离子回旋波 ion cyclotron wave
离子密度 ion concentration
离子对 ion pair
离子对反相色谱法 ion-pair reversed-phase chro...
离子对效应 ion-pair effect
离子导电体 ionic conductor
离子层 sheath
离子引发聚合作用 ionic polymerization
离子强度 ionic strength
离子当量电导 ionic equivalent conductance
离子扬声器 ionophone
离子折射 ionic refraction
离子抽运 ionic pumping
离子振荡 ion oscillation
离子捕集 ion trapping
离子探测 ion detection
离子探测器 ion detector
离子推力室 ion thrustor
离子推进 ion propulsion
离子收集极 ion collector
离子放大管 ion amplifying tube
离子显微镜 ion microscope
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