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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

爱社胜家 hold the people's commune de...
爱祖国 love one's country
爱神 Cupid
爱神星 Eros
爱称 diminutive
爱童癖 pedophilia
爱管闲事 like to poke one's nose into...
爱管闲事的人 quidnunc
爱莫能助 willing to help but unable t...
爱虚荣 vainglorious
爱虚荣的人 a vain person
爱讲究 pernickety
爱读书的人 reading man
爱财 covetous
爱财如命 love gold as one's life -- c...
爱迪生 Edison
爱迪生效应 Edison effect
爱迪生电桥 Edison bridge
爱迪生留声机 Edison phonograph
爱迪生蓄电池 Edison battery
爱邻居犹如爱自己 Love your neighbours as your...
爱集体荣誉 cherish the good name of the...
爱面子 save face
爱鸟周 the bird protection week
the rank of nobility
爵位 the rank of nobility
爵士 knight Sir
爵士乐队 jazz band
爵士音乐 jazz
父严母慈 a stern father and a benevol...
父之仪 Fu Zhiyi
父亲 father
父亲固恋 father fixation
父亲靠自己的双手勉强维持家计 My father gained a bare live...
父体 male parent
父债子还 A dutiful son is obliged to ...
父兄 father and elder brothers he...
父党 one's father's kinsfolk a su...
父子 father and son
父子信息 father-son information
父子关系 set membership
父子失和 There was some soreness betw...
父字段 father field
父本 male parent
父本性状 paternal character
父本杂种优势 paternal heterosis
父本植株 paternal plant
父本繁殖力 fertility male
父权制 patriarchy
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