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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

爱慕的眼光 eye-service
爱慕虚荣 be vain
爱憎分明 draw a clear demarcation bet...
爱戴 love and esteem
爱戴高帽子 be fond of flattery
爱才若渴 One's love for scholars is e...
爱打听 inquisitorial snoopy inquisi...
爱打小算盘 be calculating
爱抚 show tender care for
爱护 care
爱护儿童 take good care of children
爱护公家的东西 take good care of public pro...
爱护动物者 zoophile
爱护国家财产 take good care of state prop...
爱护备至 give every attention to
爱护工具 take good care of the tools
爱护年轻一代 care for the younger generat...
爱护祖国的一草一木 cherish every tree and every...
爱护群众的积极性 cherish the initiative of th...
爱护视力 take good care of eyesight
爱护集体的荣誉 cherish the good name of the...
爱抬杠 love to have a crow to pick ...
爱抱怨 querulous
爱挑剔 dainty
爱探闲事 take an interest in other pe...
爱搬弄是非 talebearing
爱搭不理 give the cold shoulder
爱摆动 waggy
爱斯 ace
爱斯基摩人 Eskimo
爱斯基摩房屋 topek
爱斯基摩雪橇 komatik
爱昵 very intimate
爱曼 eman
爱曼测量 emanation surveying
爱杯中物 be fond of one's glass
爱民如子 love the subjects as if they...
爱沙尼亚 Estonia
爱沙尼亚人 Estonian
爱河永浴 bathe forever in the river o...
爱淘气 be fond of pranks
爱游泳 be fond of swimming
爱滋病同 "艾滋病"
爱理不理 attend to sb. halfheartedly
爱琴文明 Aegean Civilization
爱琴海 Aegean Sea
爱用 prefer to use be prone
爱申 Ai Shen
爱畜 pet
爱看电视 like watching TV
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