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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

服务费 service charge
服务车 servicer
服务部 service bureau
服务部门 service department
服务领域 range of services
服务马马虎虎 slack in service
服式 style of dress
服役 be on active service
服役年龄 age limit for enlistment do ...
服役期 term of military service
服役期满 complete one's term of servi...
服役期满后复员 be demobilized at the expira...
服役期间 during one's term of militar...
服役条例 military service regulation
服服帖帖 docile and obedient
服服贴贴 take it lying down
服毒 take poison
服毒而死 have died of poison
服毒自杀 commit suicide by taking poi...
服气 be convinced
服水土 acclimation
服法 instructions about how to ta...
服现役 active duty commitment
服用 take
服用性能 wearability
服用这种药按理不会产生并发症 Normally there are no compli...
服罪 plead guilty
服膺 bear in mind feel deeply con...
服药 take medicine
服药前摇晃药瓶 shake the bottle well before...
服药无效 The medicine does no good to...
服药时间 time of taking medicine
服虔 Fu Qian
服装 dress
服装人体模型 dress form
服装厂 clothing factory
服装商店 clothes shop
服装型号系列 standardized clothing sizes
服装尺寸样板 sloper
服装工业 garment industry
服装工人 makers-up
服装工艺 habilimentation
服装店 clothes shop
服装心理学 psychology of fashion
服装描画师 apparel sketcher
服装整饬 neatly dressed
服装整齐 neatly dressed
服装文化 clothing design
服装样式 model
服装样式广告 fashion plate
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