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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

有行无市 have quotations,but no trans...
有表决权 have the right to vote
有表情的朗读 reading with expression
有裨于阅读理解 be of help to reading compre...
有要事待理 have important business to a...
有要事相商 I have important matters to ...
有见地 know enough to come in out o...
有规则必有例外 There is no rule without an ...
有言在先 make clear beforehand
有计划 in a planned way
有计划地发展经济 develop the economy in a pla...
有计划地进行 proceed in a planned way
有计划按比例发展的规律 law of planned and proportio...
有计划有步骤地进行工作 carry on the work step by st...
有计划的商品经济 planned commodity economy
有许多关于英语阅读教学方面的文章 There are a lot of writings ...
有识之士 a person with breadth of vis...
有诗为证 There is a poem to prove the...
有话说在明处 If you have got anything to ...
有说有笑 laughing and talking
有说服力 covincing
有说话的权利 have the right to speak
有请 request the pleasure of seei...
有谁愿尽义务吗 Any volunteers?
有谱儿 have confidence
有负众望 disappoint those who had hop...
有财便有势 One who has money has power.
有财有势 have plenty of money and pul...
有资格 capable
有资格参加投票 be qualified for the vote
有资格晋级 be on one's promotion
有资格证明 capable of proof
有资格说 be entitled to say that
有赏有罚 Duly mete out rewards and pu...
有赖 depend on
有赖于你的帮助 rely upon you for help
有起色 show signs of a rise
有趣 interesting
有趣的对白 an amusing dialogue
有趣的游戏 a fascinating game
有足够的时间做这项工作 have enough time to do this ...
有足够的时间吗 Is there enough time?
有蹄动物 ungulate
有轨电车 tramcar
有轨电车道 street railway
有轨电车除夕通宵行驶 Tramcars ran throughout the ...
有较大的进步 have made considerable progr...
有辱声名 bring into discredit
有辱家门 be a scandal to the family
有辱斯文 be a disgrace to the educate...
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