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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

正规部队 regular troops
正视 face squarely
正视困难 face difficulties squarely
正视图 FV
正视现实 look reality in the face
正视自己的缺点 acknowledge one's shortcomin...
正视自己的责任 face up to one's responsibil...
正角 positive angle
正言厉色 with a severe countenance an...
正论 correct and sensible view
正误 correct errors
正误表 errata
正课目 major subjects
正谊明道 upright friendliness and bri...
正谱 ortho-spectrum
正货 unmixed goods
正贴海绵球拍 outward pimpled rubber bat
正路 the right way
正路不走偏走斜路 turn from the right road and...
正身 identity
正轨 the right path or track pure
正轨迹 positive rail
正道 the right way
正邪相争 struggle between the vital e...
正量 plus
正铲 crowd shovel
正锦 Zheng Jin
正长石 pegmatolite
正门 front door
正院儿 the main courtyard
正面 the right side
正面临着毁灭的威胁 Ruin now stares in the face.
正面人物 positive character
正面冲突 head-on confrontation
正面和反面 the obverse and the reverse ...
正面和反面的历史经验 positive and negative histor...
正面图 body plan
正面律 law of frontality
正面战场 frontline battlefield
正面打印 front print
正面提意见 make a criticism directly
正面教育 educate by positive measures...
正面版 outer forme
正面相遇 come face to face with sb. t...
正面看台 grandstand
正面角色 positive character
正面进攻 frontal attack
正面阐明自己的观点 state one's views in a posit...
正音 correct one's pronunciation ...
正音法 orthoepy
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