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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

有约会 have a date
有约在先 have a previous engagement
有级变速 step speed change
有线 wired
有线传真 wirephoto
有线制导 wire guide
有线对讲机 wired intercom
有线广播 wired broadcasting
有线广播站 wired broadcast station
有线广播系统 wired broadcast system
有线电报 wire telegram
有线电视 wired television
有线电话 electrophone
有线通信 wire communication
有经验 be experienced
有经验的人不易受骗上当 Old birds are not to be caug...
有统有分 combination of individual ma...
有缘千里来相会 Though born a thousand li ap...
有缘千里相逢 Though born a thousand li ap...
有缝就钻 try to sqeeze in wherever po...
有罪 culpability
有罪一方当事人 guilty party
有罪行为 culpable
有罪证据 evidence of guilt
有署名的声明 a statement with signature
有美好的前程 have good prospects career
有翅难展 unable to make use of one's ...
有翻江倒海之能 have the prowess of performi...
有职无权 have a nominal appointment
有职有权 exercise the functions and p...
有联系 relate to
有胆有识 be courageous and knowledgea...
有胆量过来 Come on if you've got the gu...
有背景 have powerful connections
有胜于无 A bit is better than nothing...
有脚阳春 to sing the praises of an of...
有自信心 have self-confidence
有良心的人 people with a conscience
有色 coloured
有色人种 coloured race
有色玻璃 coloured glass
有色眼镜 coloured spectacles
有色金属 nonferrous metal
有艺术修养 be artistically accomplished
有花堪折直须折 Gather roses while ye may.
有苗不愁长 Once you have the sprouts yo...
有若 You Ruo
有苦难说 find it hard to tell about o...
有血有肉 true to life
有血气的青年 a courageous and upright you...
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