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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

服装样板 template
服装样片 fashion plate
服装模特 fashion model
服装模特儿 mannequin
服装的最新时尚 the latest trend in clothes
服装系 department of taxtile and co...
服装缝制 garment sewing
服装腰带 ceinture
服装艳丽 be gorgeously dressed
服装表演 fashion show
服装裁剪师 cutter
服装讲究的人 a fashionable dresser
服装设计 dress designing
服装设计师 apparel stylist
服装迷 a fancy dresser
服装量裁 garment measure and cutting
服装镶边 mat braid
服装饰边 garnishing
服贴 docile
服输 admit defeat
服量 dosing
服饰 dress and personal adornment
服饰华丽 gorgeously dressed and richl...
服饰奢华 be extravagant in dress
translucent light of a nasce...
dried flank meat a surname
朐邴 Qu Bing
The moon appears from the we...
new moon the first day of th...
朔方 the north
朔日 the first day of the lunar m...
朔明 Shuo Ming
朔月 new moon
朔望 syzygy
朔望大潮 spring tide
朔望月 synodic month
朔望潮 syzygial tide
朔果 capsule
朔源侵蚀 head erosion
朔盖 opercule
朔雪 heavy snow in the north
朔风 north wind a surname
朔风凛冽 The north wind is piercingly...
朔风怒号 A bitter north wind howls.
朕兆 sign
朗声 a clear voice
朗宁 Lang Ning
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