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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

哥特式教堂 Gothic cathedral
哥特式柱头 capital of Gothic column
哥瓷 porcelain with crackled glaz...
哥白尼 Copernicus
哥白尼体系 Copernican system
哥白尼学说 the Copernican theory
哥白尼由于其科学理论而遭到严重的迫害 Copernicus was terribly pers...
哥窑瓷见 "哥瓷"
哥老会 society of brothers
哥萨克 Cossack
哥萨克哨所 Cossack post
softly chant
哦哦嗬 oho
a tittering or tearing sound
哧哧地笑 titter
哧的一声撕下一块布来 rip off a piece of cloth wit...
sentry post
哨兵 sentry
哨兵不让没有通行证的人通过大门 The guard won't let anyone t...
哨兵岗 picket post
哨声 whistling
哨声天鹅 whistling swan
哨声波 whistler wave
哨声记录仪 whistle recorder
哨声通信 whistle communication
哨子 whistle
哨所 watchhouse
哨罐 whistling jar
哨聚山林 run to the mountains and bec...
哨风傲月 whistling and swaggering in ...
哨鹰 chanting falcon
哩哩啦啦 scattered
哩哩啦啦下了一天雨 It rained on and off all day...
哩哩罗罗 verbose and unclear in speec...
哪个 which
哪些 which
哪些人出席这次会议 Who will attend the meeting?
哪会儿 when
哪会有这种事 How can there be things as s...
哪儿 where
哪儿都找不到他 He is nowhere to be found.
哪吒 Nezha
哪怕 even
哪怕是再大的困难我们也能克服 However great the difficulti...
哪有耗子不偷油 What rat won't steal oil?
哪样 what kind of
哪能 how can
哪里 where
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