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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

响尾蛇导弹 side-winder missile
响应 respond
响应号召 answer the call
响度 loudness
响彻 resound through
响彻九霄 echo to the sky
响彻云霄 resounding across the skies
响彻四方 resound in all directions
响往已久 have long been yearning for
响晴 clear and bright
响杨 Chinese white poplar
响板 castanets
响档档 noisy
响箭 whistling arrow
响辅音 sonorous consonant
响遏行云 sing with a resounding voice
响重音 loudstress
响锣 sound a gong
响音 sonorant
响音化 sonorization
响鼓不用重锤 A word to the wise is suffic...
响鼻 snort
哎呀 Ah!
哎呀小绅士喊道 "My eye,how green!" exclaime...
哎哟 Oh,dear!
clownish speech or behaviour
哐啷 crash
哐啷一声关上门 bang the door shut
哐挡 crash
哑人 alalus
哑剧 dumb show
哑剧演员 mummer
哑剧编剧者 pantomimist
哑口无言 be rendered speechless
哑同 "呀"
哑咤嘈杂 the noisy sound of a crowd
哑哑 caw babble
哑嗓子 hoarse voice
哑嗽 cough accompanied by hoarsen...
哑子 a dumb person
哑巴 a dumb person
哑巴亏 suffering which cannot be to...
哑巴吃黄连 a dumb person taking a dose ...
哑炮 miso-fire
哑然 silent a description of the ...
哑然失笑 can't help laughing
哑然无声 Silence reigns.
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